Our Community

Société ’62

The essence of TFS, like any great independent school, is found in the strength, dedication, and commitment of its community. When Harry and Anna Giles founded TFS in 1962, they not only established a school but also fostered a community where parents, students, and educators came together to shape the TFS we hold dear today. As a relatively young school, we are privileged to personally know many of the remarkable individuals who have been with us since its early days, forming the cornerstone of our institution.

In 2024, Société ’62 was established with heartfelt gratitude to honor the past senior leaders, volunteers, and ambassadors who have played pivotal roles in our history. At TFS, our alumni and their families remain valued members of our community for life. Graduation is not a farewell, but a continuation of your relationship with TFS. The creation of Société ’62 offers a meaningful opportunity for these esteemed individuals to stay connected with the school and with one another, while also recognizing the enduring impact they have made on our community. Membership in Société ’62 includes our former Chairs, Presidents, Volunteers of Distinction, Alumni of Distinction, Premier Citoyen(ne)s, and other key contributors who have significantly shaped our journey.

Members receive invitations to exclusive events, regular communications, and the opportunity to provide feedback on school matters.


The society has three co-Chairs who assist in organizing events and liaising with members. 

Nancy Cohen '78

TFS PA President (2001-2003)
Volunteer of Distinction Recipient (2012)
Alumni of Distinction Recipient (2023)

Kathleen Mackenzie

TFS PA President (1993-1995)
TFS Board Chair (1997-2001)
Volunteer of Distinction Recipient (2013)

Diane Mandell

TFS PA President (1982-1983)


Société '62 honours the legacy and dedication of TFS's past leadership volunteers who have played a crucial role in shaping the school’s success. By preserving their connection to the TFS community, the society ensures that their invaluable contributions continue to influence the future of the school.


To create an enduring bond between TFS and its past senior volunteers, ensuring that their wisdom and experience remain integral to the school's ongoing growth. Société '62 envisions a thriving network where former leaders are actively engaged and celebrated as vital members of the TFS family.


Société '62 strives to:
  • Cultivate lasting connections with our leadership families
  • Celebrate and honour the rich legacy and history of TFS
  • Create a vibrant network to preserve and share our cherished institutional knowledge
  • Keep our alumni, past parents, and volunteers closely connected through regular community updates
To learn more about Société '62 please contact us at societe62@tfs.ca.