Our Goal

Develop a five-year ravine restoration plan and become a sustainability changemaker within our wider community.

List of 1 items.

  • Connect with Key Stakeholders to Develop Engagement in Community Stewardship

    Connect students with stakeholders and their protocols where appropriate in each of these areas: policy, research, NGO and business, at municipal and provincial levels. Connect students with local neighbours to build a collective promoting biodiversity and biodiversity education.

    Video: Raja Raudsepp, a teacher at the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) utilizes the ravine as an opportunity to explore the ecosystem with students, guiding them during a learning workshop focused on macroinvertebrates.

List of 1 items.

  • Create a Stewardship Plan

    Create a student-led ravine stewardship pod with regularly occurring meetings. Complete draft 1 of a stewardship plan based on the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' guide to Stewardship Planning for Natural Areas - embedded in the biology curriculum and ESS, as well as extra-curricular activities.

List of 1 items.

  • Carry Out Stewardship Actions Each School Year, Integrating Collective Learning

    Engage a large number of students and community members in primary stewardship opportunities each year. For 2023-2024: seed collection for the City of Toronto's Tree Seed Diversity Program and connect with delivery agent Forest Ontario.

    Video: Eric Davies, our forest ecologist travels to the nearby Glendon Campus at York University alongside students to deliver a lesson on forest conservation and to coordinate an activity with the students to enhance the ecological health of the neighbourhood.