Our Goal

Enhance digital citizenship, communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills by connecting students to advanced technology and ideas through the curriculum, STEAM industry partnerships and engagement with the wider TFS community.

List of 1 items.

  • Digital Skills

    Students progress through a TFS-designed digital literacy skills program.

    International digital competencies are also certified through PIX.fr for all students.

    Video: On the initiative of a few students, TFS is offering a 3D printing certification, designed to enhance students' 3D printing skills and open them up to more innovative techniques.

List of 1 items.

  • Compétitions externes

    Tous les élèves participent chaque année à des compétitions
    internationales sur les STIAM.

    Vidéo: Les élèves du secondaire participent au Future Prize Challenge, atelier où les élèves et les enseignants travaillent ensemble pendant une journée à des solutions technologiques aux problèmes du monde réel, en plus de présenter le produit fini devant un jury.