Our Goal

Provide our students and their parents greater exposure to various career options and university experiences.

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  • Develop Diverse Educational Opportunities to Explore Careers from Grades 6 Through Level V.

    In 2023-24, seven career spotlight sessions took place and were recorded and posted on our university counselling website. Le Stage Career Internship for Level III students has grown from 12 participants in the pilot year to 25 students in 2023, with a goal of 40 students in 2024. TFS remains committed to expanding exposure to diverse careers for students in Grades 6 through Level V. 

    Video: Le Stage, an internship program in which Level III students are matched with a parent or alumni who acts as a mentor in their industry of interest.

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  • Increase the Number of Experiences Where Students Learn About Domestic and International University Options.

    In 2023-24, 75+ universities from Canada and around the world visited TFS in person to recruit our students during weekly fall fairs and information sessions. Alumni panels such as our US Thanksgiving Alumni lunch and speakers at our information evening expand student exposure. 2024 saw more overnight school trips offering university visits (e.g., Robotics trip to Kingston included a visit to Queen's University's engineering school and an alumni event). Future plans include Black Excellence Society trip to Halifax with a visit to Dalhousie, Robotics trip to Houston with a visit to Rice University.

    Video: The university counselling team organizes university fair days, where post-secondary institutions are invited to showcase their programs and offerings to interested students.

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  • Expand Parent Educational Engagement in Post-Secondary Planning

    A comprehensive university counselling website has been developed and is being used more frequently through guidance classes and parent communication. Attendance at our US, Canada and International university evenings has been robust, as we continue to improve the high quality of these events. 2023 saw the development of the Thrive Speaker Series, which included NYT best-selling author and US higher education expert Jeff Selingo as a speaker.

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  • Increase TFS' Reputation Globally by Building Relationships with Universities Worldwide.

    TFS' university counsellors participate in professional conferences regularly and are invited on counsellor tours at universities around the world. In April 2025, TFS will co-host the Canadian Independent School Counsellor conference, which includes a large international university fair.