Our Goal

Build a foundation of lasting life skills that supports the holistic and sustainable wellness of our students.

List of 1 items.

  • Build a School-Wide Systemic, Sustainable and Holistic Wellness Plan

    As we prioritize a robust wellness for students, staff and families, we will focus on taking steps towards reachable goals. This type of goal will require systemic changes, sustainable practices and a holistic view of our outcomes. 

    Video Top: History and geography teacher, Benoît Didier invites Level V student, Tima T., to deliver an instructional lesson to a Level IV class on a challenging topic. This marked the beginning of an initiative where students educate younger peers on concepts of knowledge.

    Video Bottom: Tamara Bolotenko, Assistant Director of Citizenship, applies a restorative justice approach that brings students together in a circle to discuss and find solutions to conflicts in a supportive environment.

List of 1 items.

  • Expand Parent Engagement on Parenting Education

    We strongly believe that parent engagement could help students of all ages improve and succeed in academic attainment. This includes early literacy, school adjustment and student attendance, motivation, self-regulatory behaviour, social skills and resilience.

List of 1 items.

  • Develop Diverse Professional Development Opportunities for the Entire Staff

    Offer a sense of purpose, motivation and personal growth. Acquire new skills, knowledge and experiences, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and greater self-esteem.