Our Goal

Créer et mettre en œuvre un plan d’action climatique de grande envergure, inspirant et ambitieux pour atteindre la carboneutralité d’ici 2045.

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  • Create Climate Action Pods and Integrate Their Goals into an Overall Climate Action Plan.

    We aim for a solutions-based approach incorporating diverse interest areas to provide many opportunities for enriched learning, collaboration, involvement with partnerships and leadership to participating students.

    Create five climate action pods to integrate into the school's existing operations and systems for the purpose of enriched experiential and collective learning, and partaking in the implementation of climate and biodiversity solutions in the areas of:
    • Energy
    • Food
    • Nature
    • Waste
    • Communication

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  • Energy Pod: Build Collective Learning Opportunities and Enriched Experiential Learning through Partnerships

    • Collective learning: students are laying the groundwork for entering energy discussions by learning about greenhouse gases (GHGs) through coursework and the CAAP program, and by enriching their explorations of current solutions through discussions with local research institutions and our own Facilities department.
    • Help build momentum towards our school's goal of achieving a 50% reduction in GHG emissions from the 2021-22 levels by 2032 (TFS' 70th anniversary), as part of our pathway to achieving net zero energy by 2045.
    • Help build momentum towards transforming buildings into authentic learning labs for a regenerative future.

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  • Food Pod: Work with the Kitchen as a Collaborative Partner in Achieving Climate Action Goals.

    While many have been working for several years on sustainability and greening the kitchen, this year’s goals are to enhance learning for students through their understanding of food service systems, and by bringing together a coordinated group including students, TFS staff, Chef Ygor, Chartwells' Sustainability Director and District Manager, parents, etc., to discuss areas of sustainability, student cooking opportunities, on campus growing, nutrition education and zero hunger.

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  • Nature Pod: Steward the Ecological Health of the Campuses and Ravine.

    In addition to the ravine, integrate campus green spaces into curricular and co-curricular activities to enhance the ecological integrity and beauty of our campuses through sustainable practices and biodiversity conservation efforts.

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  • Waste Pod: Achieve 50% Waste Diversion by 2030 and Decrease the Quantity of Per Capita Waste Streams Year Over Year on our Pathway to Achieving a Circular Economy.

    Through targeted waste reduction strategies, education, community engagement and innovation, we aim to minimize the quantity of waste generated per person annually, while at the same time diverting a significant portion of waste away from landfills.

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  • Communications Pod: Foster a Positive Culture of Environmentalism and Ecosystem Health to Promote Greater Engagement and Nature Consciousness at TFS.

    • Become a beacon of support for clubs and other school systems that are striving to integrate sustainability and regeneration into every facet of their endeavours.
    • Provide effective communications across a variety of platforms to inspire sustainable behaviours.
    • Provide resources and guidance to catalyze collective effort.